Showing posts with label Creating a Sense of Presence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creating a Sense of Presence. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Creating a Sense of Belonging in Online Learning Environments


One of the biggest challenges online learners face is isolation. Compared to traditional classroom settings, where students interact with peers and instructors face-to-face, online students often feel disconnected. This sense of isolation can lead to decreased motivation and higher dropout rates. Educators must intentionally create a sense of presence in online learning environments to combat this. In this post, we’ll explore strategies for fostering engagement and community to keep online learners motivated and engaged.


Why Belonging Matters in Online Education

A sense of belonging is crucial for student success in traditional and online learning environments. When students feel connected to their peers, instructors, and the course, they are more likely to stay engaged, complete assignments, and participate actively. Research shows that belonging positively impacts motivation, persistence, and learning outcomes.


However, achieving this in an online setting requires deliberate actions from both educators and students. Below are several strategies that can help foster community, create presence, and reduce isolation in online courses.


Strategies for Fostering Community, Presence, and Engagement


1.    Encourage Active Participation from Day One

Instructors should encourage students to participate actively from the beginning of the course. One way to do this is through an introductory discussion forum, where students share something about themselves, their goals, and why they’re taking the course. This simple icebreaker helps students recognize commonalities and start building connections.


2.    Create a Welcoming, Inclusive Environment

Instructors play a key role in setting the tone for the course. An inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected promotes a sense of belonging. This can be achieved by using inclusive language, recognizing diverse perspectives, and encouraging respectful dialogue in discussion boards.


3.    Facilitate Regular and Meaningful Interactions

A lack of face-to-face interaction doesn’t mean students should feel disconnected. It is important to foster regular interaction between students and instructors through discussion forums, group projects, and synchronous virtual meetings. Video conferencing tools can also create more personal connections, making interactions feel more “real” to students.


4.    Incorporate Collaborative Learning Activities

Collaborative learning activities like group discussions or team projects can foster peer-to-peer connections and encourage teamwork. These activities help build relationships and provide opportunities for students to learn from each other and apply their knowledge in new ways.


5.    Leverage Technology to Connect Students

Use digital tools that promote collaboration and interaction, such as shared documents, online chat rooms, or social media groups. Platforms like Slack, Skype, or Microsoft Teams can facilitate ongoing communication outside formal class hours, helping students stay connected and engaged and giving them a sense of belonging.


6.    Show Instructor Presence

A strong instructor presence can make students feel supported and connected. Regularly checking in, providing timely feedback, and being accessible for questions help students feel like they are part of an active learning community. Video messages or announcements are also another great way to personalize interactions.


7.    Use Peer Mentoring or Study Groups

Establishing peer mentoring programs or encouraging study groups can help students build relationships outside of structured class activities. These peer connections provide students with a support network, helping them stay motivated and engaged throughout the course.


8.    Recognize and Celebrate Student Contributions

Acknowledging student participation and achievements fosters a sense of recognition and belonging. Highlighting student work, offering praise in discussion forums, or creating a “Student of the Week” feature are ways to recognize contributions and motivate others to participate.


Creating a sense of belonging and presence in online learning environments is essential for student success. Educators can help online students feel connected, supported, and motivated by fostering community, encouraging engagement, and leveraging digital tools. Students who feel they belong are likelier to stay on track and achieve their learning goals. As online education grows, building these connections becomes even more critical for ensuring positive learning outcomes. By taking deliberate steps to cultivate an inclusive and engaging virtual learning space, educators can empower students to thrive, even without physical classroom walls.



Suggested Resources

Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (2017). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Interpersonal development, 57-89.

Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass. 

Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. O. (2014). Motivating and retaining online students: Research-based strategies that work. Jossey-Bass.


Monday, May 8, 2023

Managing Online Instructor Workload Using the Determinants of Presence

Once a starting point for course design has been determined, you should select a framework for designing the course. Our suggested framework is the “Framework for Creating Online Presence” (Lehman & Conceição, 2010).


Revisiting the Framework for Creating a Sense of Presence

Looking at our Framework, you see the “Being There for the Online Learner Model” on the left. The Model and Framework can help you become aware of and understand what is necessary to make presence happen online and help manage your workload (Lehman & Conceição, 2011). The arrow running from the model to the instructor represents the instructor’s awareness of how presence occurs online. The arrow from the instructor to the determinants of presence represents the path the instructor takes to design the course with a sense of presence. The determinants of presence are the components of the design process that guide the instructor’s creation of presence in the online environment and determine the strategies used. The arrows from the determinants of presence to the model and from the model to the determinants of presence show the continuous action involved in using and revisiting the components of the framework.

Determinants of Presence

Let’s look at the determinants of presence more closely:

            Content is the first determinant and can be process-based, content-based, or a mix of the two. In process-based courses, workload is more intense in the beginning, diminishes as learners become more independent and diminishes as learners work collaboratively in teams. In content-based courses, there is a steady flow of discussion on topics throughout and workload can vary based on the depth of the discussions. In a mix of both approaches, there is a need to balance workload between the two.

            Format is the second determinant and can be either self-paced, group-based, or a mix of both. In self-paced courses learners’ background and needs dictate instructor workload. In group-based courses, group structure and learner interaction and working with others in the group affects workload. In a mix of both formats, by interspersing periods of high and low intensity, the instructor can control and manage workload.

            Strategies is another determinant. In instructor-led strategies, workload is contingent on intensity and the management of tasks. When strategies are logistical/Instructional, workload varies depending on preplanning and instructor role(s). If they are cooperative/collaborative, workload can be high in the beginning of course and then diminish as learners become more independent. Group grading and periodic feedback are other strategies that can greatly reduce workload.

            Instructor Role is a fourth determinant. Before the course begins, planning can reduce workload as the course continues and then comes to an end. Instructor roles vary depending on whether the courses are self-paced or group-based. In self-paced courses, learners work independently, and the instructor plays the roles of tutor, mentor, and support personnel. In group-based courses, the instructor engages in course activities as facilitator, catalyst, observer, and supporter. The choice of role(s) affects workload. Always, advance planning is suggested.

            Technology is another determinant that has a definite impact on workload. Technologies can be either asynchronous, synchronous, or a blend of both. Asynchronous technologies provide flexibility with place, time, and pace, but also give the instructor and learner the feeling of always being connected. With these technologies it is important to define boundaries to eliminate the 24/7 feeling. Synchronous technologies that are used in real time, require preplanning, but once the event is completed it is over. A blend of both is a method we often use for specific design purposes and for added interest and variety.

            Support is the final determinant in our Framework. Support can be either instructional or technical and can include a well-designed orientation that will reduce future questions and provide one-on-one time with learners. Support can also be included in the form of “help forums” to allow learners to help each other and minimize instructor involvement for technical problem. Another suggestion is timely instructor feedback on assignments which can help learners become more independent and self-motivated.

By using the Framework in this way you can better manage workload for your online course.


Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 

Lehman, R. M. & Conceição, S. C. O. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Institutional Issues and Challenges Related to Instructor Workload


We only need to look around to see that the landscape of higher education is being transformed due to increasing market demands for online learning. To remain competitive, institutions need to embrace the concept of online education rather than fear it, acknowledge its benefits and limitations, and act upon it.

As institutions embrace online education and online instructors become involved, educational and instructional issues and challenges must be faced. Policy personnel need to be aware of the impact of online courses on institutional growth and equally important, they need to understand what is involved in online instructor training and the impact online teaching will have on an instructor’s workload. Online teaching is demanding and doesn’t just happen!

Designing for teaching online calls for intentional design and creating a sense of presence and connection between the instructor and learners (Lehman & Conceição, 2010.) Creating a sense of presence involves an awareness and understanding of how to “be there” for the online learner to bring the “human aspect” into the online environment. Teaching online also requires a distinctive type of management to help instructors find success and balance in their lives.

The Design Process Difference

The process for designing, delivering, and evaluating online instruction is different than the process used for face-to-face instruction. From a design perspective, the type of management for an online instructor depends on the components of the design process (such as content type, course format, strategies, instructor role, technology, and support) and factors that influence workload (such as number of courses taught, learner enrollment, position held, and instructor responsibilities).


Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. O. (2010). Creating a sense of presence in online teaching: How to “be there” for distance learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Walking in the Student and Instructor Footsteps


Central to our book is a model for how to be aware of, think about, and understand creating a sense of presence in the online environment, and a framework for designing online courses with a sense of presence. The activities for creating a sense of presence that create a sense of presence connect to the model and framework, along with approaches and questions for gathering information on how presence is “there” in an online course.

Framework for Designing Online Courses with a Sense of Presence

As you progress through our book, you’ll walk in the footsteps of Amanda, a newly enrolled learner in an online master’s program in adult education and Carlos, an instructor of twenty-seven years who has recently been asked to offer his communications courses online. On this walk, you’ll find out about:

  • the role of presence in the online environment and the difference between presence and engagement. 
  • ways in which presence can be experienced and how you can use our online learner model to help you better understand online learners.
  • how to design your online course with a sense of presence and how to use our framework to guide you through the process.
  • activities that create a sense of presence in your online course before the course begins,  during the course, and end of the course.
  • tools for tracking the creation of presence.
  • three in-depth case example scenarios with activities, activity tasks, how presence was experienced, and tools for tracking presence, along with a sample syllabus that incorporates a sense of presence. 

Remember, presence is about thinking, feeling, and behaving, and creating a sense of “being there” and “being together” with others online.



Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Informal and Formal Online Presence


Technology has become a vital part of our lives, bringing us information about what is going on in the world from the palm of our hands, through the tips of our fingers. For educational purposes, technology brings us the opportunity to expand our knowledge and extend our reach to people and places never considered before. The benefits save us time, travel, and cost; help us avoid risks by not having to travel; provide us with information and knowledge in devices we can carry wherever we go; bring us together with people from around the world; and give us the opportunity to work, collaborate, and “be there” in virtual communities.

Informal and Formal “Being There”
The sense of “being there” in virtual space happens informally and spontaneously as we use technology in our everyday lives. However, when we try to create this sense of “being there” in formal, virtual educational settings, it requires intention and a different way of thinking, feeling, and behaving from various perspectives. From the more structured perspective of an organization - policies, procedures, and credentialing need to be taken into consideration. From an instructional perspective - planning, intention, and design need to meet standards and ensure effective learning. The importance of creating a sense of presence in online teaching and learning environments cannot be overestimated. The separation of instructor and learners often leads to feelings of isolation for learners and is a major cause of learner dissatisfaction in the virtual environment.

A Sense of Presence
“Being there,” in our book, means being present with others in online teaching and learning in a virtual space. However, this feeling of presence in virtual space does not just happen; rather, this sense of presence needs to be created. The concept of presence begins with an understanding that we are perceivers and that this has an influence on the creation of presence.  As perceivers, learners and instructor are psychologically, emotionally, and behaviorally present when they connect with others in an authentic way during the online learning experience. Understanding how to connect psychologically, emotionally, and socially can influence the way learners connect and feel in the online environment and enhance effective learning.



Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Monday, March 13, 2023

Creating Online Perceptual Presence

One question that is commonly asked by online instructors is "how can I create presence when I'm actually separated from my learners?" We believe that creating presence is based on creating a "perception" of presence. Online presence isn't actual but rather perceptual. To help better visualize perceptual presence we have created "The Being There for the Online Learner Model" (Lehman & Conceição, 2010) that we then embed in a design framework. First, let’s look at the model. 


Think of the model as a cylinder containing three cylinders. We’re going to build the cylinder from the core to the outside.


1. Starting with the core cylinder – the learner and the learner’s perceptual process (the Who) which includes the dynamic interplay of thought, emotion, and behavior. The dark line at the edge of the cylinder represents the interface of the learner’s inner world with the concrete world.

2. The second cylinder corresponds to the types of learner experiences (the What) that learners are involved with:

a.  objective – psychological and physical (students have reported to us that there are times when they actually felt that the technology disappeared and that we were all in the same room);

b.  subjective – personal and psychological (communicating on Skype and during electronic office hours).

c.  social (working in groups or teams or using social networks).

d.  environmental (having easy access through technology and being able to add to or change the distance learning environment); or a combination of more than one of these.

3.  The third cylinder illustrates the modes of presence (the How) that can be created for the learner –

a.  realism (matching activities to activities that will be used in the learner's physical world).

b.  involvement (involving learners in the wide variety of discussions and activities that can be created online).

c.  immersion (using immersive software and activities like Second Life).

d.  suspension of disbelief (suspending our belief concerning the implausibility of a book, movie, so on). Note the blurred line between the two types of experience and modes of presence - these two cylinders blend into each other and occur in combination with each other.)

4.  The outer cylinder, (the Where) again rimmed by a darker line, is the physical world as the learner connects to the online environment. 


The Being There for the Online Learner Model is an integral part of our "Framework for Creating a Sense of Presence." We'll focus on the framework in our next week's posting.



Lehman, R. M. & Conceição, S. C. O. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Using a Template to Preplan for Managing Tasks and Prioritizing Time


By using a template to manage workload for online instruction you can preplan your design and delivery responsibilities and tasks.

First, you'll need to become familiar with the online course design components that will help to make the virtual seem "real" for your students. Because these components are tangible they can be converted into tasks and time.

Our "Template for Managing Tasks and PrioritizingTime," contained in our book Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success can serve as a guide for workload and time spent when creating your online course of any kind:

1.    a new course

2.    conversion of a face-to-face course to online course

3.    revision of a course you've already taught online

The template will guide you in identifying and laying out each course sequence, the type of tasks within each sequence, the period during the course when each sequence takes place, and the estimated time spent on each task. 

For new online courses, the template can help you estimate tasks and time spent during the course design and delivery.

For a converted course, the template can help with the process of rethinking how to teach the course in the new environment.

For existing online courses, the template can help you revisit tasks and time spent and become more efficient when teaching the same course again. We hope you enjoy using the template!


Conceição, S. C., & Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. Jossey-Bass. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Icebreakers for Creating a Sense of Presence - Where in the World Are You?


This activity helps learners visualize where everyone in their class is located. It is an excellent activity to use in the first part of the course.


In this activity, a flat map is provided, and learners mark their location(s) on the map. The flat map may be of a city, state, a country, or the world. Everyone gains a sense of the geographical spread of their classmates. The map can be posted to the learning management system and downloaded by the learners. After the learners mark the map, they upload it to share. Information about their location, culture, and traditions can also be included.




Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass. 


Monday, December 19, 2022

Icebreakers for Creating a Sense of Presence - Virtual License Plate


A useful strategy to encourage relationships among course participants in an online course is to use icebreakers. Three examples of online ice-breakers are the Virtual License Plate, Where in the World Are You?, and What Do You Like?. These icebreakers give learners an opportunity to creatively share personal information with the other course members. This week, we will explain the Virtual License Plate.

A license plate template is posted in the LMS for learners to download (can be done in a PowerPoint format). The instructor asks learners to draw numbers, letters, short phrases, pictures, or symbols in a creative way inside it to design a virtual license plate. The plate’s purpose is to tell something about themselves, their families, their pets, their work, their hobbies, or their other interests.




Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Ways to Incorporate a Sense of Presence


The table above illustrates ways in which you can incorporate a sense of presence into your online course. By identifying the types of activity, interaction, and presence, you can determine where presence can be integrated throughout the teaching process (before, during, and end of course). This table is not all-inclusive. Types of interactions or presence may vary depending on the discipline. The intention here is to stimulate your thinking on the types of interaction and presence you may include in your online course.





Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Getting Ready to “Be There” with Learners


As an instructor new to online teaching, your first step is to understand the differences between face-to-face and online instruction. Instructional and technical support are key to your success in this new environment, as is the support of your organization. Developing an online course can be a challenge.Training is key to be better prepared to teach online and understand what presence means in the online environment, be able to create and incorporate presence into your online course, and be ready to deliver your course.

This training includes becoming familiar with the learning management system, its features, and its limitations. You can take scheduled training sessions or workshops or work closely with a learning designer who has learning management system expertise. Or you might team up with experienced colleagues who have created online courses that have proven to be effective.

After you have become familiar with and confident about the learning management system software, the next step is to identify an existing course that you plan to move to the online environment and start the design process. Check the graphic below; it provides a sample course design task and timeline for an existing course that is moving to the online environment.



Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass. 



Monday, November 28, 2022

7 Steps to Creating Presence in Online Courses - Bringing it All Together


The 7 Steps to Creating Presence in Online Courses can help you develop an online course experience where presence is felt by both instructors and learners - Bringing it All Together.

Our instructor "brings it all together" with the Chart and a Wordle. Wordles are "word clouds" that bring together the most important words in a text and are a quick way to refresh your memory. Here is our instructor's Wordle.



Lehman, R. M., & Conceição, S. C. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. Jossey-Bass.