Showing posts with label Informal presence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Informal presence. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2023

Informal and Formal Online Presence


Technology has become a vital part of our lives, bringing us information about what is going on in the world from the palm of our hands, through the tips of our fingers. For educational purposes, technology brings us the opportunity to expand our knowledge and extend our reach to people and places never considered before. The benefits save us time, travel, and cost; help us avoid risks by not having to travel; provide us with information and knowledge in devices we can carry wherever we go; bring us together with people from around the world; and give us the opportunity to work, collaborate, and “be there” in virtual communities.

Informal and Formal “Being There”
The sense of “being there” in virtual space happens informally and spontaneously as we use technology in our everyday lives. However, when we try to create this sense of “being there” in formal, virtual educational settings, it requires intention and a different way of thinking, feeling, and behaving from various perspectives. From the more structured perspective of an organization - policies, procedures, and credentialing need to be taken into consideration. From an instructional perspective - planning, intention, and design need to meet standards and ensure effective learning. The importance of creating a sense of presence in online teaching and learning environments cannot be overestimated. The separation of instructor and learners often leads to feelings of isolation for learners and is a major cause of learner dissatisfaction in the virtual environment.

A Sense of Presence
“Being there,” in our book, means being present with others in online teaching and learning in a virtual space. However, this feeling of presence in virtual space does not just happen; rather, this sense of presence needs to be created. The concept of presence begins with an understanding that we are perceivers and that this has an influence on the creation of presence.  As perceivers, learners and instructor are psychologically, emotionally, and behaviorally present when they connect with others in an authentic way during the online learning experience. Understanding how to connect psychologically, emotionally, and socially can influence the way learners connect and feel in the online environment and enhance effective learning.



Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.