Monday, May 8, 2023

Managing Online Instructor Workload Using the Determinants of Presence

Once a starting point for course design has been determined, you should select a framework for designing the course. Our suggested framework is the “Framework for Creating Online Presence” (Lehman & Conceição, 2010).


Revisiting the Framework for Creating a Sense of Presence

Looking at our Framework, you see the “Being There for the Online Learner Model” on the left. The Model and Framework can help you become aware of and understand what is necessary to make presence happen online and help manage your workload (Lehman & Conceição, 2011). The arrow running from the model to the instructor represents the instructor’s awareness of how presence occurs online. The arrow from the instructor to the determinants of presence represents the path the instructor takes to design the course with a sense of presence. The determinants of presence are the components of the design process that guide the instructor’s creation of presence in the online environment and determine the strategies used. The arrows from the determinants of presence to the model and from the model to the determinants of presence show the continuous action involved in using and revisiting the components of the framework.

Determinants of Presence

Let’s look at the determinants of presence more closely:

            Content is the first determinant and can be process-based, content-based, or a mix of the two. In process-based courses, workload is more intense in the beginning, diminishes as learners become more independent and diminishes as learners work collaboratively in teams. In content-based courses, there is a steady flow of discussion on topics throughout and workload can vary based on the depth of the discussions. In a mix of both approaches, there is a need to balance workload between the two.

            Format is the second determinant and can be either self-paced, group-based, or a mix of both. In self-paced courses learners’ background and needs dictate instructor workload. In group-based courses, group structure and learner interaction and working with others in the group affects workload. In a mix of both formats, by interspersing periods of high and low intensity, the instructor can control and manage workload.

            Strategies is another determinant. In instructor-led strategies, workload is contingent on intensity and the management of tasks. When strategies are logistical/Instructional, workload varies depending on preplanning and instructor role(s). If they are cooperative/collaborative, workload can be high in the beginning of course and then diminish as learners become more independent. Group grading and periodic feedback are other strategies that can greatly reduce workload.

            Instructor Role is a fourth determinant. Before the course begins, planning can reduce workload as the course continues and then comes to an end. Instructor roles vary depending on whether the courses are self-paced or group-based. In self-paced courses, learners work independently, and the instructor plays the roles of tutor, mentor, and support personnel. In group-based courses, the instructor engages in course activities as facilitator, catalyst, observer, and supporter. The choice of role(s) affects workload. Always, advance planning is suggested.

            Technology is another determinant that has a definite impact on workload. Technologies can be either asynchronous, synchronous, or a blend of both. Asynchronous technologies provide flexibility with place, time, and pace, but also give the instructor and learner the feeling of always being connected. With these technologies it is important to define boundaries to eliminate the 24/7 feeling. Synchronous technologies that are used in real time, require preplanning, but once the event is completed it is over. A blend of both is a method we often use for specific design purposes and for added interest and variety.

            Support is the final determinant in our Framework. Support can be either instructional or technical and can include a well-designed orientation that will reduce future questions and provide one-on-one time with learners. Support can also be included in the form of “help forums” to allow learners to help each other and minimize instructor involvement for technical problem. Another suggestion is timely instructor feedback on assignments which can help learners become more independent and self-motivated.

By using the Framework in this way you can better manage workload for your online course.


Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 

Lehman, R. M. & Conceição, S. C. O. (2010). Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching: How to “Be There” for Distance Learners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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