Monday, August 7, 2023

Simon Manages His Workload Based on Years of Experience


Simon is an associate professor in the field of education at a four-year institution and teaches three graduate-level online courses. He is also the coordinator for his graduate program. His three-credit courses are offered during 16-week and summer semesters. They are all content-based. Each of his courses averages 20 enrolled participants. Simon has taught online for over 10 years and has been able to draw from this extensive experience and apply it to his online courses. In addition to his teaching, Simon’s other responsibilities include administration, research, and service. He uses design, teaching, and time allocation strategies to manage his workload based on his years of experience.



  • Prepares and organizes content and activities prior to the beginning of his online courses.
  • Places himself in the role of the learner to better select course content, activities, and the pace of his courses.
  • Prepares technology-based activities prior to the course, saving valuable time during the course delivery. This gives him more time during the online course to create a sense of personal presence.
  • Following the completion of each online course, he reviews student feedback regarding the course design and uses these ideas and reflections to help him revise subsequent courses.


  • Creates a detailed syllabus which includes regular office hours.
  • Provides rapid response to course participant emails, rather than letting them accumulate.
  • Uses a grading software program on his notebook computer to write electronic comments on learners’ papers rather than typing them.
  • Posts weekly announcements on audio podcasts and video on YouTube. These announcements engage his learners, help his learners stay on task, and give his learners the sense of ongoing instructor presence.


  • Limits his online teaching time allocation to 10 to15 hours a week per online course.
  • Designates specific times for electronic office hours.

The instructors’ experience can be a deciding factor in determining effective workload strategies, as is evident in Simon’s case. For Simon, his own experience and the experience of others served as valuable resources. The major design strategies he uses are planning ahead of time, establishing detailed course materials, and reflecting on and revising course materials. Keep in mind that new instructors can learn as they gain experience, but should be open to the ideas of their peers and also their learners.




Conceição, S. C. O, Lehman, R. M. (2011). Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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