Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Strategies for Managing Tasks and Prioritizing Time


Instructor workload depends on the type of course and tasks accomplished when teaching online. In this episode, Simone Conceição and Rosemary Lehman provide strategies for managing tasks and prioritizing time while teaching online. They offer a template for instructor to identify tasks and time spent on the online course. 

Based on the book, Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success.

Template for Managing Tasks and Prioritizing Time

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Four Tasks That Affect Your Workload While Teaching Online


Instructor workload depends on the types of tasks accomplished when teaching online. Identifying these tasks allows instructors to plan, prioritize, and manage their workload. These tasks are carried out before, during, and at the end of a course. In this episode, Simone Conceição and Rosemary Lehman share four types of tasks to consider when managing workload while teaching online: (1) design, (2) administrative, and (3) facilitative, and (4) evaluative.

Based on the book, Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success.

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Friday, December 17, 2021

Four Strategies for Managing Online Teaching Workload


The view that instructors can take their face-to-face courses and transfer them to the online environment can be misleading. Designing, delivering, and evaluating online instruction demands a distinctive type of management when compared to face-to-face instruction. In this episode, Simone Conceição and Rosemary Lehman share four strategies for managing workload while teaching online: (1) design strategies, (2) support strategies, and (3) teaching strategies, (4) time allocation strategies.
Based on the book, Managing Online Instructor Workload: Strategies for Finding Balance and Success.


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Friday, December 10, 2021

Three Support Strategies for Retaining Online Students



A network of support that includes instructors, family, and friends; the institutional support systems; and personal self-care support can impact student success in the online environment. In this episode, Rosemary Lehman and Simone Conceição share three support strategies for retaining online students: (1) instructional strategies, (2) institutional strategies, and (3) self-care strategies.

Based on the book, Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies That Work.


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Friday, December 3, 2021

Three Design Strategies for Retaining Online Students


This episode focuses on design strategies to retain online students. In this episode, Rosemary Lehman and Simone Conceição offer a few tips on how to create an engaging online course. These tips relate to three design elements that require preplanning: (1) creating the learning environment, (2) planning for the teaching process, and (3) predicting learners’ needs.
Based on the book, Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies That Work.


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Friday, November 26, 2021

Top Three Strategies for Motivating Online Students

In this episode, Rosemary Lehman and Simone Conceição offer three top strategies students use to be successful in an online course: (1) time management, (2) prioritizing, and (3) learning. Within each strategy, they share a few approaches. 
Based on the book, Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies That Work.

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Friday, November 19, 2021

Persistence Model for Online Student Retention

Online learning and student motivation have become increasingly important during the past years. In this episode, Rosemary Lehman and Simone Conceição explain the Persistence Model for Online Student Retention, which can help you not only motivate but also retain your online students. 

Based on the book, Motivating and Retaining Online Students: Research-Based Strategies That Work.


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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Welcome to Conversations about Online Teaching and Learning!

Welcome to Conversations about Online Teaching and Learning! This discussion, moderated by Simone Conceição and Rosemary Lehman, is based on their three books. The intent is to create a space for instructors, learning designers, student support personnel, and adult learners to share tips and strategies about online teaching and learning.Simone and Rosemary have worked together for over 20 years and created eInterface to share their work and publications.

Listen to the podcasts that accompany the discussion and join in the discussion to share insights on your experience with online teaching and learning. Follow the discussion to see what's new.